Tibetan Buddhism Center for World Peace has two weekend series coming this summer:
1. Educating the Heart through Training the Mind
Based onthe Dalai Lama's penetrating psychological insights regarding human emotions, found in his book Beyond Religion… HHDL has explained with great clarity how emotions arise, when they become destructive, create huge problems for us and those around us, as well as the world at large. Includes his practical solutions for combating destructive emotions and cultivating positive inner qualities to offer the real hope of generating relationships centered in loving kindness, compassion, and wisdom. Each session will include an opening guided meditation to shape our minds with a virtuous intention, selected readings from Beyond Religion to spark opportunities for group discussion, and closing guided meditations focused on the topic of our discussion, followed by a short dedication.
11:00 am to 1:00 pm (CDT) on Saturdays
All are welcome to join any/all session…
Session 1: May 29 - Understanding the World of Our Emotions
Session 2: June 5 - Dealing with Our Destructive Emotions
Session 3: June 12 - A Basic Toolkit for Living Ethically Every Day
Session 4: June 19 - Cultivating Our Positive Inner Values
Session 5: June 26 - Cultivating Our Mind Through Meditation
• Attend in-person >https://www.tbcwp.org/about.html
• Attend via Zoom
Meeting ID: 825 3259 8943
Passcode: 3jewels
2. Ven. Robina Courtin - Your Awakened Mind
About Robina Courtin
Four Sundays starting July 11, 2021
As a Mahayana Buddhism practitioner we study and meditate to develop our hearts and minds—igniting our resolve to liberate others from suffering and lead them to enlightenment. This amazing other-centered attitude is known as Bodhichitta, the awakened mind, and alignes and deepens the skills learned in CIT. One of the most clear, powerful teachers we have enjoyed, Venerable Robina Courtin will guide us through a series of thoughts and contemplations that lead us to the mind of Bodhichitta. In this series we will encounter a lifelong practice that has no bounds. As a background primer, we love Lama Yeshe's inspiring talk about the benefits of developing Bodhichitta, found at this LINK.
11:00 am to 12:30 pm (CDT) on these Sundays
Jul 11, 2021 - Ven. Robina Courtin, developing your awakened mind
Jul 18, 2021 - Ven. Robina Courtin, developing your awakened mind
Jul 25, 2021 - Ven. Robina Courtin, developing your awakened mind
Aug 1, 2021 - Ven. Robina Courtin, developing your awakened mind
• Zoom Only
Join Ven. Robina’s Sunday Zoom Meetings
Meeting ID: 891 3794 6657
Passcode: 3jewels
TBCWP events are offered to support practitioners who wish to follow the reliable, gradual path to enlightenment taught by our Lamas, known in Tibetan as "Lam Rim." In addition to weekly meetings, TBCWP hosts events with visiting Lamas such as Ven. Robina Courtin, Geshe Lobsang Nima, Geshe Thubten Soepa, and Geshe Dorjee. All events are offered at no charge, and donations are accepted.
1. Educating the Heart through Training the Mind
Based onthe Dalai Lama's penetrating psychological insights regarding human emotions, found in his book Beyond Religion… HHDL has explained with great clarity how emotions arise, when they become destructive, create huge problems for us and those around us, as well as the world at large. Includes his practical solutions for combating destructive emotions and cultivating positive inner qualities to offer the real hope of generating relationships centered in loving kindness, compassion, and wisdom. Each session will include an opening guided meditation to shape our minds with a virtuous intention, selected readings from Beyond Religion to spark opportunities for group discussion, and closing guided meditations focused on the topic of our discussion, followed by a short dedication.
11:00 am to 1:00 pm (CDT) on Saturdays
All are welcome to join any/all session…
Session 1: May 29 - Understanding the World of Our Emotions
Session 2: June 5 - Dealing with Our Destructive Emotions
Session 3: June 12 - A Basic Toolkit for Living Ethically Every Day
Session 4: June 19 - Cultivating Our Positive Inner Values
Session 5: June 26 - Cultivating Our Mind Through Meditation
• Attend in-person >https://www.tbcwp.org/about.html
• Attend via Zoom
Meeting ID: 825 3259 8943
Passcode: 3jewels
2. Ven. Robina Courtin - Your Awakened Mind
About Robina Courtin
Four Sundays starting July 11, 2021
As a Mahayana Buddhism practitioner we study and meditate to develop our hearts and minds—igniting our resolve to liberate others from suffering and lead them to enlightenment. This amazing other-centered attitude is known as Bodhichitta, the awakened mind, and alignes and deepens the skills learned in CIT. One of the most clear, powerful teachers we have enjoyed, Venerable Robina Courtin will guide us through a series of thoughts and contemplations that lead us to the mind of Bodhichitta. In this series we will encounter a lifelong practice that has no bounds. As a background primer, we love Lama Yeshe's inspiring talk about the benefits of developing Bodhichitta, found at this LINK.
11:00 am to 12:30 pm (CDT) on these Sundays
Jul 11, 2021 - Ven. Robina Courtin, developing your awakened mind
Jul 18, 2021 - Ven. Robina Courtin, developing your awakened mind
Jul 25, 2021 - Ven. Robina Courtin, developing your awakened mind
Aug 1, 2021 - Ven. Robina Courtin, developing your awakened mind
• Zoom Only
Join Ven. Robina’s Sunday Zoom Meetings
Meeting ID: 891 3794 6657
Passcode: 3jewels
TBCWP events are offered to support practitioners who wish to follow the reliable, gradual path to enlightenment taught by our Lamas, known in Tibetan as "Lam Rim." In addition to weekly meetings, TBCWP hosts events with visiting Lamas such as Ven. Robina Courtin, Geshe Lobsang Nima, Geshe Thubten Soepa, and Geshe Dorjee. All events are offered at no charge, and donations are accepted.
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